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Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Customizing World of Warcraft Power Leveling on the Way

By Aiden King

Have you heard of customizing power leveling? If you ever brought power leveling you may reply: "Maybe Yes!" Honestly, I never head that before my friend told me last night.

I saw an advertisement "Leveling up your character to 70!" on web page, then, I noticed the second one:"Leveling your primary profession skills: Herbalism, Mining to 375 points!" and the third:"Leveling your secondary profession skills: Cooking, Fishing, First aid up to 375 points. Also, you can get any of honor equipments by exchanging of honor points!" I was so trouble of that, because I don't know what they mainly mean!

Later, my friend told me it is used for customizing power leveling! That means your expected character will be customized by your decision. You can choose many ways to enhance your World of Warcraft character. If your character could not reach a level, you can easily get a help from the provider, then continue customize it till you feel satisfied with the final character.

If you don't know how to do or you hesitate which one should be selected, please take the suggestions, for example, "For your desired reputation, please take our suggestion: choose Mag'har, Shattered Sun Offensive, Kurenai, and Aldor reputation! You will get Hellscream's Will, Reins of the Tan War Talbuk, Nether Ray, Arechron's Gift, Auchenai staff once your reputation reach exalted!" This is for reputation, the next about fly mounts: "Are you impressed when you see this fantastic mounts wandering in the Outlands? Now, easily get Nether Ray, nether Drake or happily enjoy your race's 280% fly mounts!"

And you will read the reminder for PvP items: "With Guardian PvP Item Sets, Guardian's Wrist armors, Vindicator's armors, Arena Weapons (Season 2)-Two handed Weapons, Arena class armors. Be sure, your character will be unbeatable in WoW univers!"

Besides, something about Badge of Justice: "You're capable get T5.5 rare gears, if you buy some badges of Justice, for example: Amani Mask of Death, Anveena's Touch!" My friend told me that there are more waiting for gamers and customize themselves! For me, it's a fresh idea and I think it's a good way to get a perfect character! I want to try and I'm looking forward show it among my friends and get great influence!

Let's further discuss the topic of WoW at

About Author:

Aiden King, a columnist at GameSavor

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